Areas of Operation
Celtic Lines
does not restrict itself to any specific area. We will
look at any industry, situation, or product that can
benefit from a new idea, safety, or other improvements.
Current International Patents Pending, applied for
through the UK Patent Office include: -
A new method
of escape from high-rise buildings. An airship. A toy.
An adaptation of a fishing reel that allows the disabled
to fish, up to a competitive standard, on an equal
footing. The Pile-Breaker - a hydraulic machine to
eradicate the possibility of white finger in specific
areas of the construction industry. A coating method of
ship fabrication to prevent oil spillages and improve
salvage procedures in bulk transportation. Of course,
there are others and new ones are on the way, but then
again we all have our little secrets, don’t we?
To be anything other than short and
pleasant dreams, ideas, however bright, must be turned
into workable reality – in our field of operations this
function is performed by engineering. We combine
knowledge we were lucky to have access to with all the
latest resources such as CAD and computer modelling
before turning to the irreplaceable building of
prototypes with others. If you choose to become our
client, you will soon realise the necessity to be
involved in your chosen “solution” from an early stage
so that production methods and any other aspects can be
tailored to your personal requirements and of course
current facilities wherever practicable. Where there is
a need for changes or amendments, we promise to work
with you to minimise disruption and any unnecessary
costs that we can avoid.
The best of designs are often more
than just pleasant to look at, although this aspect
remains always an important criterion. Other factors
must of course include the most suitable materials and
most importantly, considering all the requirements of
the intended purpose. We believe that the aim of the new
millennium is to provide items that are safe, highly
functional, and still attractive to the user and others.
Our claim to revolutionary design is explained very
simply. We will never restrict ourselves to using
traditional materials, or the styles of anyone else. If
need be, we will through away the rulebook completely to
reach the right solution, as our aim is always to
provide the very best one possible. After all, some of
our products are worth substantially more than Liz
Taylor’s earrings, so at least in some cases, we would
argue that the design should be worthy of the true value
of the item.
Financial Solutions
Do you sometimes wish that someone
would just walk through the door of your organisation
and “cut the crap”. That is what we do! Stop the
production of information that is never used. Liquidate
the assets that you do not really need so that you can
use the cash for something more beneficial – or just
simply bank it. Sort out production costs and cash-flow.
The end result? A streamline, efficient organisation,
whose accounts and cash-flow position are tuned like a
formula one car. Of course, there are always those of
you, who know in your hearts that you have already got
everything totally in hand. You know that you do not
need us – we are here for everyone else.